Baseball 2022

It’s early, but my Dodgers look pretty pretty good. A few “What the hell!” games but overall I like what I see.
My view at the park for every game in the picture. Pretty.
One other note as a Vegetarian I can not believe the lack of choices for food in Dodger Stadium. Of all cities they really are a letdown.
They had a new Vegan item  I went to try it out and they said “Oh we did not make it tonight” Cool…
Play On!


Fundación CLUB 45

I need to go here. Mike Stax has posted some amazing photos of this museum, Fundación CLUB 45 Visit their…

Candie Payne

I am excited that Candie Payne's first release has been reissued, produced and co-written by super talent Simon Dine. Part…