20 Questions with NEL : 2009 Edition : Danny Benair

Time for the annual nel grilling by web master Jon Krop!

1. Had the auction gone on; I wish I could have made a bid on …
Scary David Nordahl Painting

2. My current favorite source to discover new music is:
As lame as it sounds work, and the sources it leads me to.

3. Social Networking sites are (fill in the blank) for the most part:

4. Funniest true news story I’ve seen recently was:
Mother and step mother battling on TV in India over the story of their little girl in Slumdog Millionaire. The father trying to sell her off, nice parents!

5. This year the Dodgers will …
make the playoffs, I can’t get too cocky it is early.

6. Favorite restaurant and meal recently has been:
I am a bore, do like the vegan cobb at Waffle, made to my liking.

7. Most amusing brush with absurd greatness since last year:
Sadly nothing to report..

8. My most anticipated music release for this year:
It will be something I don’t know exists.

9. Favorite article of clothing that you never wear anymore?
My Granny Takes A Trip Quick clothes they are all silly and awesome too!

10. Baby and her tennis balls is my favorite new thing; and MySpace is so over

11. I can’t wait to see Public Enemies hit the big screen!

12. TV show I’d most like to have a cameo on:
30 Rock
playing the role of:

13. 2008 favorite music placement piece:
Had a nice run with Payless..

14. Fave photo or image of the year:
Dianne always showing style…

15. Most engaging page turner I’ve read recently:
Bad Vibes Luke Haines

16. Best part of the weekend:
Saturday always…

17. I don’t care if you hate it! I love DBRC and I’m sticking to it!

18. Best live musical performance of the past year:
Liam Finn

19. Secret wish for 2009:
Can’t tell it is a secret

20. I still haven’t outgrown:


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